Summer 2010: Magalawa Island

They said that summer is almost over but it’s not over ’til I get to my last beach destination this May.  This will be my last beach trip for the summer as I consider June to be well, er, not summer.  And so the end has come and so has my summer beach trips.  I am on my last trip to the beach for the month of May and I’m heading to Magalawa Island, Zambales.

It took us around 4 hours to get to Palauig, Zambales where we can ride the boat going to the island.  A 15min boat ride and tada! you’re there.

When we arrived we all went to the ‘hall’ so we can rest and get a bit away  from the sun.   The group started to get to know each other more.  There were only 11 people in the group  and as always, I am a solo traveler mingling with the rest of the crowd. And you bet that it was a success!

The island may not be considered as  a ‘virgin’ though only few people from the metro know about this place.  This island actually has cottages, a camping ground, dinner hall and lunch tables for visitors.  The shoreline is short but clean and there are many wonderful sea creatures to see.

'under the sun'


sea urchin

We enjoyed and explored the island right after lunch and we definitely got burnt!  There’s only one restroom in the island so all visitors must share and fall in line.  There’s also no faucet but there’s a deep well where one should get their own water.  We were a small group and it was really fun getting to know everyone.  Helping each other get water and wash up out in the open was fun and crazy but the darkness of the place worked to our advantage.  Dinner was then served and of course ‘socials’ is up next!  We just had enough to drink and a few good laughs before calling it a night.  A new day awaits tomorrow.

cottage by the beach

pick a spot

having fun

moving out

A couple of photoholics woke up very early despite how later we slept.  Nevertheless, some got what they wanted but some found sunrise amidst a very well lit sky, umm, not sure how’s that but the sky was already bright when the sunbeams hit their camera.  A few more hours for beach bumming, swimming, lounging and just having fun then we’ll be on our way back to Manila.  We left after lunch and decided to eat in Subic. I was amazed at how big the pizza is and  the burger I ordered for take out.


With it’s warm water, friendly locals and guide, and trees to run for shade after a dip in the water, I can say that this so far is indeed one of the summer destinations I will never forget.

Another weekend by the beach, under the sun and with wonderful new found friends.  I know that summer season is almost over, but my adventures will never end.

**Some pictures courtesy of my friends from this trip!