
To err is human, to forgive is divine.


I have’t written anything this month though there were nights that I feel like writing.  I am somehow lost (again) in the midst of everything happening around me.  I am currently ‘self-employed’ at the moment or as my friends currently tagged my employment status and I’ve been in a ‘free and relax’ mode for almost 5 months now.  I am somehow thinking of this as a time to recall and get myself back on track.  I was able to travel around the Philippines and was able to meet my friends.  It’s been a long journey and I know it’s far from over.

Next month, a new chapter of my life will begin and I am somehow excited and clueless…  I know that it is time for me to get my act together and to face life.  I just hope that I can get through all the challenges that’ll come my way.  For now, I will be mostly offline and I will concentrate on what’s to come.  And I am hoping that I am no longer clueless when I reach the end of this new chapter.


Nakakainis lang… Gusto ko ng alak!