To date or Not to date

I have been single for a few months now. Going back to those times, I felt then that it was the end and thought of giving up. I shouldn’t be thinking about anything but to move on. Move forward with life. So, I tried. I was a bit defensive right after the break-up and didn’t want anything to do with a lot of things.

I am a hopeless romantic but I can’t get my hopes up at the thought of getting hurt again by believing in love.

To distract myself, I went out. I traveled and met friends who comforted me. I quit my job to find something more interesting and to have time for myself. And I had a blast living my life the way I wanted for a few months. Then this movie I just watched kinda kicked me in the head and woke me up. I somehow understood what happened and how to avoid it from happening again (i think i’ll try).

You see, there is what they say, it’s either you’re the Rule or the Exception.  Rule is equivalent to ‘He’s not THAT into you’. Exception on the other hand is when you found someone interesting and that someone finds you MORE interesting. So far, what I came up with is that I am the ‘RULE’. Maybe I’ve been someone’s exception way back but I just didn’t quite grasp that thought then. But as of this writing, I am the rule.

I haven’t fully entertained the idea of dating yet again but I guess I’ll be taking my chances soon. I have to consider and believe that someone is out there for me. Someone who sees me as the ‘Exception to all the Rules’. Borrowing the line of Seeley Booth to Temperance Brennan – “There’s someone you’re meant to spend the rest of your life with…”

I know that I may be in for a surprise or shock even, but I believe that I can live and deal with it. I have to be strong and courageous to face life’s and love’s challenges. I afterall, am a hopeless romantic.

(To date or not to date? I guess, it still depends on the kind of guy I meet.) 🙂

In search of my SOLE-mate!

I am in search of my SOLE-mate!  And I need help, badly!

Contrary to what my friends would say, I am not a shopaholic.  Well, I was until ummm, I don’t know.  I tried to stay out of the malls when I’m alone and I mostly leave my cards behind when I’m going out.  That my friend, I believe ended my being a ‘shopaholic’.  Going back to the matter at hand.  I am soon to join the working force and as much as I’d love to dress and dolly up, I am in need of perfect, NEW flatsies.

Let me explain why I needed NEWones…

First, my old black, flatsy is no longer in shape.  It has been with me for I don’t know, a year or two maybe and it definitely cries — ‘replace me’.

Second, I’m not quite sure what is happening since when I last wore that pair, it gave my foot a hell of a night.  My toes and soles hurt like they were battered and tortured.  That most probably meant I had a very long walk, but we need to walk in Manila!  There are places that well, let’s just say not by the commuter’s road or where hailing a cab is the ONLY option.

Third, because I only have ONE pair and I badly need a new one. 🙂

The sad thing about my dilemma is that I wanted something online.  I am also wanting something from the store.  And basically, I wanted to go out and try more on.  That kinda means I might shop for more than ONE pair.  I know that I sometimes leave the cards at home but what’s a girl got to do when running on errands like ummm… THIS!

I know somehow it’s a self-inflicted dilemma (with all these things I’m rambling about) but there’s more to it.

To enlighten you further, I am not a SHOE-person.  I am not into shoes and I only buy them when I need them or when I remember a piece of wardrobe that”ll look good with it.  However, I may really buy more than a pair when I find something worth my time, money and if it’s indeed a perfect fit.  So, I don’t know where —

First, to look for a trustworthy flatsy and YES, I may need a couple of pairs or maybe three (God bless me!) if need be.

Second, I’m just really concerned since flatsies will definitely get drenched (big time) when the rain pours and tides (floods) hit.  So should I get one or worse I might get three (not just for my whim, but for emergency replacement issues that might occur).

Third, do you think a girl really needs a pair of flatsy?  I like my flipflops a lot but unfortunately, that won’t do in a corporate world nor in a dashing fash (day/night) out.  So I guess, I need one but I’m just not sure how soon should I get one.

So you might think that I really am talking nonsense but honestly, I am just confused in my search for my perfect SOLE-mate!

(Who would’ve thought that buying shoes can be this hard?) 🙂

Tony + Ziva

Somalia – Bound in chairs with hands tied behind their back, captured, beaten and tortured, Tony (and Mcgee) came to find and save Ziva.

Ziva: Tony, why are you here?

Tony: (shrugs) Couldn’t live without you, i guess..

Ziva: So you’ll die with me….


I want someone who comes into my life by accident and stays on purpose…

Major, major PROBLEM!


It has been week since a Filipina named Maria Venus Raj placed fourth in the world’s most prestigious beauty pageant in Las Vegas.  Sadly to note though that it has also been a week since the unfortunate hostage taking crisis of Hong Kong Chinese nationals took place in Manila.

I both witnessed the triumph and defeat that occurred then via cable TV.  It does give a wonderful feeling to see your country’s representative being cheered on and liked by most people in the ongoing competition.  And I could never believe that such wonderful news will just then be shattered by a saddening event that cost lives of the people being held hostage.


Maria Venus Raj is indeed a worthy candidate to represent the Philippines.  She is beautiful, warm, graceful and smart though definitely overwhelmed.  She did have a tough question thrown at her and like what  other news broadcasts aired, it is indeed a question to really think about.

I believe though that there is no right or wrong answer to this question.  And there is definitely no perfect person walking this Earth.  However, knowing how you lived your life, what your decisions were and where these decisions took you should definitely be a key to how one would answer the question.  I may have thought that Venus did not answer incorrectly though she lacks expressing more of what she initially uttered to the judge.  And still, I am proud that she stayed confident about how she answered it.  She is not perfect and (I believe, as another Filipina,) I understand that being a country girl she must not have had any wrong decisions made.  After all, she rose and became the country’s representative to this celebrated competition.  I am proud of how she was able to handle herself in front of a big crowd, in a most eminent beauty pageant in the world and in a place very foreign from what she’s used to.


I have lost my words in telling my observations from this horrible event.  I know that our police department should have done better, that the tactical team should have planned better and that the people around should have been more sensitive given the gravity of the situation.  But all is done and so we have lost.  We lost a lot of lives and for that I am sorry.  I am at a loss and I ask for forgiveness not for me but for the people and department who became complacent during this sad event that befell our nations.  Sad indeed that as simple as it may seem initially, no one has suspected that it will end in tragedy.