Mom’s Day

I haven’t had time to write about it but since it’s still the month of May, I might as well post it.

This year’s Mom’s day made me a little bit crazier. I tried to be more prepared and tried to plan stuff a week before. I wanted to order a cake and make resevations for lunch. But because of my schedule… It didn’t go as planned. So me and my friends rattled our brains overnight to think of 1 thing. How to simply celebrate Mom’s Day? With not much budget to work with and the last minute plans, I am still happy we get to celebrate it!






I have yet to visit the City of Smiles but I always smile when I spend time with her…


Toast Box

I have never been this excited for months if not years (OA?)… I saw this store in a corner street in BGC. I was restless. Finally, got time with a friend to visit the place… And I loved it! =)








Black and White

It has always been Black and White for me. There is no “Gray area”. It’s either you win or lose, succeed or fail, be taken or not, be right or wrong, fixed or broken, or just simply alive or dead. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been trying. I’ve been trying to understand that there can be a “Gray area” in every situation. That in life, there should be this “Gray area” where people can hope and dream and think that all those things can be reality. I try to believe that sometimes, it is not just simply Black and White. After all these years of failing and getting trapped and not knowing what to do or where to go, I still try. So don’t blame me if I’m negative or see the worst or feel bad because after all these gloomy stuff, somehow I see light. I see Black and not White. That doesn’t make me bad, it just makes me realize that these bad things go away too. And maybe, maybe after all the chaos. I find peace within.

So don’t just tell me that there’s pink and blue and red and yellow. I know there is. It’s just that I have to focus more on what I believe in and what works for me. I am not asking for you to understand and drill in to the Black and White notion. I am just asking for you to understand that THIS is me and believe it or not, I still try.