It’s my dad’s birthday!

It’s my dad’s birthday! I am ever so thankful that he is always here to help us, guide us, educate us, relieve us of our tension, make us crazy beyond compare, switch our buttons from YES to NO and vice versa!

It’s my dad’s birthday! I maybe crazier and muchier at times but believe me, my heart will always be forever his. I maybe the toughest kid on the block but I will always be his sweet little girl. I maybe the ever so strict and serious lady but I will always be only looking after his welfare!

It’s my dad’s birthday!

To the coolest, ever loving, absolute comic and super patient appa, I love you so much! I sometimes may take you for granted and sometimes might’ve acted ungrateful, I may have been bossy and a little meanie but in my h♥art I will always be appa’s little girl and You will always be my first l♥ve!

Happy, happy birthday!!!

Appa and me

Just keep wishing

My ideal guy just got married. I still feel the pain of knowing that, that one last person (maybe) who has the values, ideals and ‘quirks’ s that I like most in a guy is already taken. Don’t get me wrong, I am not in-love. I just wish I could’ve cloned him first before he settled down…

Somehow, beneath my sadness I came to realize that they’re perfect for each other.

Theirs was a real fairytale love story. I heard it so many times. I was jealous of their fate. I was crazy looking for that same fairytale. I was hoping for that same miracle to come. Then after everything else, I am happy. He is happy. And everyone tried their best to make everything perfect. The sound system and visual presentations were great, the guests were prompt, the family were very supportive and the weather was cooperative. It was indeed their perfect day. Then again, their perfect day left a stain in me. It stung me, left me speechless and made me immobile for an hour or two. I just don’t know what to feel to this day.

I know I already mentioned sad and happy in the same paragraph yet I still feel there’s something else. There’s something missing. I just can’t get my finger on it. I CAN think straight but I just don’t know what else is there. The heart can do wonders. It can feel a lot of great and terrible emotions, and surprisingly survive it. And I am currently having mixed emotions. I still have no idea why I am writing this as I am unable to put in to words what I felt and still feeling. I just wish that I can be as fortunate as this lucky girl who got this one great guy. And I guess all I can do now is just keep wishing…

it’s another day, Friday’s long gone… no need to worry about the things that didn’t happen and no point of worrying about the things that could’ve been…

