Breakfast, Lunch and Desserts!

I went to Greenhills earlier since I had an appointment and since I haven’t had anything to eat since 2:00 AM, I decided to buy what I want and misses the most!







School Bus or School Bust!??

Early Monday morning, I woke up at 5:00 AM, ate my breakfast watched the tely and everything was just great. Then at 6:00 AM or past the hour, this odd, awful noise broke! I thought a delivery truck broke down in front of our house or something. It was a school bus getting ready for the day. Then we smelled that awful chemical burning from it’s muffler. Dad went outside to make the driver turn off the engine but Alas! The driver is nowhere to be found!!! It took us few more minutes for the driver to come back from wherever h***hole he’s been. He finally drove off and left. Leaving us with that early Monday morning pollution.

I hate these tenants thinking they own the house they live in just because they pay for it and thinking they can make use of someone else’s front door as a parking lot since they live beside it or close to it! People have somehow lost their decency not to put other people in harm’s way. And yes, noise and pollution is harmful especially inside one’s home. If the driver of this school service thinks that’s okay, then think about what else HE thinks is okay when your kids are inside this vehicle, on the road. Scary! Exaggerating? Maybe. Nonetheless, it is a possibility!

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My last Mercato weekend

Being on the Saturday night shift since uhm, forever makes me think I deserve a great and heartful foodie break. Having that in mind, I try as much as possible to go to Mercato. This was late last year before the Christmas break and it was definitely a blast. Spending my weekend with a dear friend and of course, FOOD!

Buffalo wings, fries and blue cheese – I usually don’t eat wings but hey, these are really good!


Merry moo!!! Merry who? Merry MOO! And again, not a big ice cream eater but I always have fun with their out of this world flavors! =) Queso de bola and Fiesta Ham? Anyone?



Manang’s Chicken & Bagwang meals!!!



Oh and we saw Fabio, Gen was like ‘Fabio’s back there’ and I was like ‘Fabio who??’ she immediately reverted ‘the model!’ — ‘Gee, don’t know him, sorry…’

We had great laughs, great stories, great food and great time! Thank you Mercato! ‘Til my next Mercato adventure!

Past Season

Christmas season has indeed ended but I have to show how the past season has been for me. I am normally a grinch. I don’t like Christmas and the chaos it brings. I know that it’s time for love and giving and that ‘Christmas spirit’, but I didn’t really like it. I know I’m negative and dark and non placet but I’m not against the season. Just not into chaos and traffic. So happens I can’t seem to find a ‘Holiday cheer.’

Well, enough explaining and this is how I celebrated the season! I’m happy it was Christmas and I’m thankful to have spent it with family and friends!

Celebration of friendship!





Love of Family!

