In search of my SOLE-mate!

I am in search of my SOLE-mate!  And I need help, badly!

Contrary to what my friends would say, I am not a shopaholic.  Well, I was until ummm, I don’t know.  I tried to stay out of the malls when I’m alone and I mostly leave my cards behind when I’m going out.  That my friend, I believe ended my being a ‘shopaholic’.  Going back to the matter at hand.  I am soon to join the working force and as much as I’d love to dress and dolly up, I am in need of perfect, NEW flatsies.

Let me explain why I needed NEWones…

First, my old black, flatsy is no longer in shape.  It has been with me for I don’t know, a year or two maybe and it definitely cries — ‘replace me’.

Second, I’m not quite sure what is happening since when I last wore that pair, it gave my foot a hell of a night.  My toes and soles hurt like they were battered and tortured.  That most probably meant I had a very long walk, but we need to walk in Manila!  There are places that well, let’s just say not by the commuter’s road or where hailing a cab is the ONLY option.

Third, because I only have ONE pair and I badly need a new one. 🙂

The sad thing about my dilemma is that I wanted something online.  I am also wanting something from the store.  And basically, I wanted to go out and try more on.  That kinda means I might shop for more than ONE pair.  I know that I sometimes leave the cards at home but what’s a girl got to do when running on errands like ummm… THIS!

I know somehow it’s a self-inflicted dilemma (with all these things I’m rambling about) but there’s more to it.

To enlighten you further, I am not a SHOE-person.  I am not into shoes and I only buy them when I need them or when I remember a piece of wardrobe that”ll look good with it.  However, I may really buy more than a pair when I find something worth my time, money and if it’s indeed a perfect fit.  So, I don’t know where —

First, to look for a trustworthy flatsy and YES, I may need a couple of pairs or maybe three (God bless me!) if need be.

Second, I’m just really concerned since flatsies will definitely get drenched (big time) when the rain pours and tides (floods) hit.  So should I get one or worse I might get three (not just for my whim, but for emergency replacement issues that might occur).

Third, do you think a girl really needs a pair of flatsy?  I like my flipflops a lot but unfortunately, that won’t do in a corporate world nor in a dashing fash (day/night) out.  So I guess, I need one but I’m just not sure how soon should I get one.

So you might think that I really am talking nonsense but honestly, I am just confused in my search for my perfect SOLE-mate!

(Who would’ve thought that buying shoes can be this hard?) 🙂