
I’ve recently started writing again and have been updating my most recent blogsite when I check this main blog page. And guess what, last entry was back in 2012! OMG! Hindi ko inakala na ganun na since last ako nagsulat sa page na ito. OMG talaga! I didn’t understand why I didn’t blog about how me and my husband met? how and when we dated? made chika of all the wonderful things that happened in 2013… Now, let me just update those who have been and are still receiving updates on this page. I have a new blogsite that focuses on my new life. I am now married to a wonderful man and am a daughter to an adorable baby girl. I’m not sure how often I can still update this site since my activities are now limited since I have a new family. However, when I get to travel (now with the fambam) I will post it here too! I definitely miss travelling and all of my other activities but it’s so worth it to be with my Cio and our little munchkin! Til next time my friends!


Quick summer getaway

I’ve had one whole year (2011) without a vacation! No summer, no beaches, no surfing and no out-of-towns. This time, it’s definitely gonna be different! This time I can finally say I got a piece of this year’s summer season! 🏊☀🌴

It all started with small talks of beaches, of travelling and a road trip. My friends wanted to get out of the city and just have a night to themselves! Yes, ‘themselves’! I really didn’t want to go at first and it really kept me thinking. I was not really sure but nonetheless booked a 1-day leave. I decided to join them the last minute. Meaning, 3 days before the set date. Our destination: Anawangin, Zambales.

It was an amazing adventure! We made our own bonfire, no electricity, no cellphone, cooked our own food, set up tents, had a boat ride to Capones, climbed a lighthouse and basked in the sun! My friends and I had an amazing 2 days worth of fun, sun, beaches and friendship! It was a breather everybody hoped for and we can’t wait for another adventure together! I’m really happy I didn’t pass up this opportunity! 😄😄😄








My cousin posted this and I was impelled to post this with a few more words to add. My dad worked really hard (with my mom) to give us the BEST that they can. Papa had a hard life growing up as his mom died early and was unable to finish school. He experienced a lot of things that makes me really sad everytime I remember his stories. Yet that didn’t stop him from working hard and making sure we are well tended and taken care of. I love him with every bit of cell in my body though people may sometimes think otherwise. Here is why.

Me and my dad have a very special relationship. I am a daddy’s girl that’s because I’m the ONLY girl! Haha! I am so much like my mom, moody and serious while papa is cool and calm. He has his way of being funny and being the serious me, instead of laughing, I either smirk or nag. Sometimes I think I’m being more of the parent than he is. I am more strict, I ask more questions and I definitely scold him a lot. He understands me though. He sees that deep within I meant well. He knows that I love him for everything he has done and is doing for me. And that he will always be my first love and the BEST DAD for me!


I don’t have words to express how happy I am that God has given me the gift of having a bestfriend. I don’t have a sister so she’s pretty much my sister, critic, partner-in-crime and bestfriend rolled into one.

We were inseparable then and suddenly, life happened. Lost each other for almost 8 years and now, we are back together! Bickering about the silliest things, talking about anything and everything and seeing each other everytime we can! After all, we work in the same company and just few blocks away from each other!






Great words from Great minds




Breakfast, Lunch and Desserts!

I went to Greenhills earlier since I had an appointment and since I haven’t had anything to eat since 2:00 AM, I decided to buy what I want and misses the most!







School Bus or School Bust!??

Early Monday morning, I woke up at 5:00 AM, ate my breakfast watched the tely and everything was just great. Then at 6:00 AM or past the hour, this odd, awful noise broke! I thought a delivery truck broke down in front of our house or something. It was a school bus getting ready for the day. Then we smelled that awful chemical burning from it’s muffler. Dad went outside to make the driver turn off the engine but Alas! The driver is nowhere to be found!!! It took us few more minutes for the driver to come back from wherever h***hole he’s been. He finally drove off and left. Leaving us with that early Monday morning pollution.

I hate these tenants thinking they own the house they live in just because they pay for it and thinking they can make use of someone else’s front door as a parking lot since they live beside it or close to it! People have somehow lost their decency not to put other people in harm’s way. And yes, noise and pollution is harmful especially inside one’s home. If the driver of this school service thinks that’s okay, then think about what else HE thinks is okay when your kids are inside this vehicle, on the road. Scary! Exaggerating? Maybe. Nonetheless, it is a possibility!

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Past Season

Christmas season has indeed ended but I have to show how the past season has been for me. I am normally a grinch. I don’t like Christmas and the chaos it brings. I know that it’s time for love and giving and that ‘Christmas spirit’, but I didn’t really like it. I know I’m negative and dark and non placet but I’m not against the season. Just not into chaos and traffic. So happens I can’t seem to find a ‘Holiday cheer.’

Well, enough explaining and this is how I celebrated the season! I’m happy it was Christmas and I’m thankful to have spent it with family and friends!

Celebration of friendship!





Love of Family!



One of ‘those’ days

Never felt so alone til this day and the sad part is I dont know what’s causing it…

it’s another day, Friday’s long gone… no need to worry about the things that didn’t happen and no point of worrying about the things that could’ve been…

