To start Anew

It’s Easter Sunday and for Catholics it symbolizes a new beggining. A new life. A rebirth.

Although I worked like crazy during Holy week, today I get to think about my life. My past and my path. I don’t have a lot of accomplishments, based on my life expectations. I didn’t walk the path I dreamt I would. I took the path of opportunity. A righteous, diligent and stuck-up path.

Now looking at it. I just see a big empty and unfulfilling space. However, I didn’t start like this. I used to want the cookie, I dreamt of the moon, I craved for the world. Then I guess reality just hit me right on the face. And it hit me freaking damn hard! I realized that yes, you can dream and it is free to dream. But it is extremely costly to live that dream. I did what I have to, not what I love to do. And it all came tumbling down on me. I don’t blame anyone else, I actually somehow blame myself for the ‘off’ choices I made. It is exhausting. But these were my choices.

I have no cookie, I have no moon and I havent seen the world but I haven’t lost everything. I have time and enough energy to walk thru life and face new challenges.

Life, though not the same as I’ve wanted it to be has been good to me. The usual ups & downs but nothing really serious (I think). So I am thankful for what I have and I will work hard and play harder to get to where I want to be and what I want to have. I will and can start anew!

One year and counting

Okay, here I go again, let me try to rewrite this since my first 3 paragraphs for this post suddenly disappeared! Lesson learned, save drafts accordingly!

One year and counting…

It’s our first year anniversary! We’ve known and worked with each other for a full year. Since we all deserved, wanted and craved for a vacation, we decided a day trip to Tagaytay!

Some of us weren’t able to go but nonetheless, it was a success! Since I was on a Saturday shift, we went on a Sunday. We met in the office and picked up Mira in Market!Market! It was a light travel day and we were so excited! We have no plans on where to go exactly and just started thinking of places to visit.


We first visited Sonya’s Garden! Funny that we had to be quiet when walking around since we were in the massage areas but we were too excited to just keep our excitements to ourselves. So the laughing continues as we walked around!




Enjoyed the walk and laughed all thru out made us hungry and we decided to head to Leslie’s for some bulalo and more yummy treats!




We were full, yet it’s not time to leave and we decided to visit, relax and take tons of pictures at Taal Vista Lodge! We we going crazy having our individual pictures taken on the ledge! And for everyone’s information, standing, sitting or leaning over THIS specific ledge is prohibited! Can you imagine how many times the roving guards have to go back and forth to make sure we don’t try to steal another picture-perfect opportunity? As if they can stop a crazy bunch of girls and one guy! *all smiles*





We ended the day at Nuvali with coffee and a little bit more walking…

To my wavemates, saluté and may we have wonderful, fruitful and happy working years to come!


To err is human, to forgive is divine.


Nakakainis lang… Gusto ko ng alak!